The Height of the Summer...

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Height of the Summer...

The walled garden is now planted to capacity – directly sown beetroot, carrots, spinach and chard, leeks by the thousand, courgettes, summer squash and pumpkins, cabbages, kales and sprouting broccoli. While waiting for vegetables to mature, there’s a bounty of raspberries, black, red and white currants and apples, plums and pears to come.

Ballymaloe House is full of cut flowers fresh from the garden – the scent of sweet pea and the blousy show of dahlias. And already we have next year in sight as we review bulb catalogues to place an order soon for a spring display.

And as we count down to our Garden Festival, it’s time to focus on keeping on top of the weeding, cutting back herbaceous materials and planning fringe events in the garden. It’s going to be a packed festival with two days full of talks, workshops and practical demonstrations.

So until then it’s fingers crossed for good weeding weather!

Photos: Blackcurrants & a Cosmos 'Cupcake' flower... good enough to eat!

The Height of the Summer...
The Height of the Summer...
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