Bees and News

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bees and News

Ballymaloe has just acquired two new beehives and are hoping to collect a swarm of bees from around the local area. If we are successful then the Ballymaloe chefs will hopefully be using their own honey by September, it will only be a small amount but Ballymaloe means the 'place of sweet honey' so it is fitting that there are beehives here.

It has been a busy time in the glasshouse, planting lots of lettuce seeds, herbs and flowers for the garden. We are of course hoping for a lovely warm summer which is great for the growing of vegetables that you will find on the menu, it will soon be asparagus time - such a treat! Last weekend we planted strawberries, carrots, and tsatsoi outside and tarragon, pakchoi, beetroot, sorrel, pea shoots and calendula inside. In the woods the wild garlic and bluebells carpet underfoot and we have had lots of sunny days to enjoy long walks on the beach.

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