Ballymaloe Walled Garden Blog 2018 #3

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Ballymaloe Walled Garden Blog 2018 #3

Having finally got some good weather and everything is shooting up in the garden! We have been very busy planting everything out in the garden and into the greenhouse while we have good weather. In the greenhouse, we have planted cucumbers, peppers, basil. aubergines,
herbs, and salad. Outside we have planted cabbages, Brussel sprouts, kale, spinach, lettuce, peas, beetroot, navets, carrots and spring onions. The tomatoes have had a growth spurt and the tallest is now about 5 ft! We have been carefully tending to the tomatoes by doing a
‘twist and shoot’, this means twisting the plant around the vertical string that is positioned in the ground and also taking out all side shoots.

We have also recently sowed pumpkins, squash and courgettes. They germinate extremely fast, within a week! And they are well on their well now, we will soon be planting them out in the garden. These vegetables are all part of the cucurbita family. They don’t like to be overwatered and they like a lot of nutrition. Apparently, the courgette flower is amazing if you deep fry it.

The ornamental garden is looking amazing with everything in bloom. One flower is asked about quite a lot. It is a beautiful shade of orange and is called ‘Geum Borisii” Totally Tangerine. It is great as it flowers for a long time and also is hardy tolerating most conditions. It is also quite bushy so will be good as a filler also, with the flowers higher than the foliage. It looks great with blue or purple flowers next to it.

Ballymaloe Walled Garden Blog 2018 #3
Ballymaloe Walled Garden Blog 2018 #3
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